Why is Christmas so Important for Leaders?

Whether or not you subscribe to the religious narrative surrounding Jesus Christ, His historical impact as a leader is undeniable. In this blog, we’ll explore why Christmas is so important for leaders.

Regardless of religious beliefs, Jesus Christ stands as history’s most influential person and leader. His leadership lessons, consistently documented in over 25,000 early manuscripts[1], have left an indelible mark. Even today, more than 2.4 billion people worldwide[2] follow His teachings, making Him a figure worth studying for any aspiring or seasoned leader.

One of the remarkable aspects of Jesus’s leadership is the consistency displayed throughout His life. His leadership principles were not fleeting or situational; they were deeply ingrained and followed Him from the cradle to the resurrection. This level of unwavering commitment is a testament to the strength and authenticity of his Leadership.

For those striving to be sound and solid leaders, a valuable challenge presents itself this Christmas season. Consider adding to your goals the study of who Jesus claimed to be; who He proved to be through His lifestyle, empowerment, and actions. Delve into the challenge of understanding how He maintained such remarkable consistency over His 33 years.

Begin your exploration by asking intentional questions. For example, “How did Jesus accomplish such exemplary consistency in his leadership?” Hint: Jesus was found frequently quoting parts of the book of Proverbs found in the Bible, which was written by His multi-Great Grandfather, King David. Perhaps Proverbs may be and excellent place to start! Seek out answers from various sources, ensuring you gain a well-rounded perspective. Look for responses that not only provide insight but also spur more questions to enrich your understanding.

As you engage in this challenge, seek out sources that offer intelligent answers—those that provoke thought, inspire further inquiry and contribute to your growth as a leader. Consider reaching out to individuals who have studied the historical Jesus with an open mind, embracing the opportunity to expand your leadership knowledge.

This Christmas, let the festivities extend beyond the surface and into a deeper exploration of leadership lessons. Whether you believe in the religious context or not, Jesus Christ’s impact on history and leadership is profound. By taking up the challenge to study His life, you open doors to timeless lessons that can shape and elevate your leadership journey. Embrace the opportunity to learn from history’s most influential leader, and let the spirit of Christmas inspire growth, reflection, and a renewed commitment to leadership excellence.

[1] https://www.icr.org/bible-manuscripts

[2] https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+documented+christians+in+the+world+today%3F&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA955CA955&oq=how+many+documented+christians+in+the+world+today%3F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDg2MjdqMWo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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